파괴적 혁신 이끌 '문샷형 R&D' 헛바퀴…사업화도 지지부진
0415A04 R&D
1969년 7월20일 암스트롱과 올드린이 달에 착륙해 실험하는 장면. In the few hours that Aldrin and Armstrong were on the Moon, there was little time to set up scientific experiments, but a small package (the EASEP, or Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package) was deployed. Aldrin is shown here setting up the Passive Seismic Experiments Package. Back to the left is the Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector. More extensive scientific studies were done on later Apollo missions. /사진 출처=NASA
다르파의 심해 수중 로봇 프로그램 이미지. DARPA has awarded six contracts for work on the Angler program, which aims to pioneer the next generation of autonomous underwater robotic systems capable of physical intervention in the deep ocean environment. This class of future unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) must overcome reliance on GPS and human intervention to support infrastructure establishment, maintenance, and resilience over the vastness of the ocean. The Angler program seeks to merge breakthroughs in terrestrial and space robotics, as well as underwater sensing, to develop autonomous robotic solutions capable of navigating and surveying ocean depths, and physically manipulating human-made objects of interest. /사진 출처=DARPA
바이오생명과학 연구소에서 연구원들이 실험을 진행하고 있다. /사진출처=Shutterstock