A widower who never paid any attention to his wife while she was alive now found himself missing her desperately. He went to a psychic to see if he could contact his late wife. The psychic went into a trance. A strange breeze wafted through the darkened room, and suddenly, the man heard the voice of his dearly departed wife. "Honey!" he cried. "Is that you?" "Yes, my husband." "Are you happy?" "Yes, my husband." "Happier than you were with me?" "Yes, my husband." "Then Heaven must be an amazing place!" "I'm not in Heaven, dear."
부인이 살아있을 때는 거들떠 보지도 않던 홀아비가 갑자기 죽은 부인이 너무나도 보고 싶어졌다. 그는 점령술사를 찾아가 죽은 부인을 만나게 해달라고 부탁했다. 점령술사가 부인의 영혼을 불러냈다. 어두운 방 안에 이상한 바람이 일더니 갑자기 홀아비의 귀에 죽은 부인의 목소리가 들려왔다. "여보! 당신이오? " 홀아비가 외쳤다. "네, 여보." "당신 행복하오?" "네, 여보." "나랑 살 때보다 더 행복한 거요?" "네, 여보." "그렇다면 천국은 정말 멋진 곳임에 틀림이 없군!" "여보, 나 천국에 있는 거 아니에요."
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