A woman was chatting with her next-door neighbor. "I feel really good today. I started out this morning with an act of unselfish generosity. I gave a twenty dollar bill to a bum."
"You gave a bum twenty whole dollars? That' a lot of money to just give away. What did your husband say about it?"
"Oh, he thought it was the proper thing to do. He said, 'Thanks'."
한 여성이 이웃과 잡담을 나누던 중 말했다. "오늘은 기분이 무척 좋네요. 하루를 매우 관대한 적선으로 시작했거든요. 한 부랑자에게 20달러짜리 지폐를 줬어요."
"부랑자한테 20달러나 줬다고요? 그냥 줘버리기엔 너무 큰 돈 아닌가요? 남편은 뭐라시던가요?"
"오, 그 양반은 제 행동이 올바르다고 생각했어요. 그이는 '고마워'라고 하던데요."
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