An amateur photographer was invited to dinner and took along a few pictures.
The hostess looked at his work and exclaimed, "These are very good. You must have an excellent camera."
Later, as the photographer was departing, he turned to the hostess and said, "That was a delicious meal. You must have some excellent pots."
한 아마추어 사진작가가 저녁식사에 초대 받은 자리에 자신이 찍은 사진을 몇 장 가져갔다.
그의 작품들을 본 안주인이 감탄하며 말했다. "사진들이 참 멋있어요. 아주 좋은 카메라를 갖고 계신가봐요."
나중에 사진작가는 집을 떠나면서 안주인에게 말했다. "저녁식사 정말 맛있었습니다. 아주 좋은 냄비를 쓰시나보군요."
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