"Frank Smith," announced the judge, "for breaking into a house in the middle of the night, I sentence you to two year in prison."
"But your honor," pleaded Smith, "last time I was in court you sentenced me to a year in jail for breaking into a house in the day! If not in the middle of the night, and not in the middle of the day, just when am I supposed to earn my living?"
"프랭크 스미스씨," 판사가 판결문을 발표했다. "한밤중에 남의 집에 침입한 죄로 당신에게 징역 2년을 선고합니다."
"하지만 재판장님," 스미스씨가 답변했다, "지난번에는 대낮에 남의 집에 침입했다며 징역 1년을 선고하셨잖아요! 한밤중도 안 되고 대낮에도 안 되면 전 언제 밥벌이를 하죠?"
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