A guy is on a date with this girl, so he takes her to Lover's Lane. When they get up there, she says, "I have to be honest with you, I'm a hooker." The guy thinks about this for a short time and says "it's okay". He agrees to pay her $25 and they start having sex. After they finish, the guy says, "I have to be honest with you now. I'm a cab driver and it'll cost you $25 for me to drive you back into town." 남자가 데이트하던 여자를 호젓한 곳으로 데려갔다. 그곳에 도착하자 여자가 말하길 "비밀이 있는데… 난 매춘부야." 잠시 생각에 잠기던 남자는 "좋다"면서 25달러를 주기로 하고 섹스를 시작했다. 일을 마치자 남자가 말하길 "나도 비밀이 있어. 나는 택시 운전사거든. 다시 돌아가는데 택시비 25달러를 받아야 겠어."
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