An FBI agent is interviewing a bank teller after the same bandit had robbed the bank 3 times successively. "Did you notice anything special about the man? I mean, did he ever change his appearance?" asks the agent. "Yes," replies the teller. "He was better dressed each time" FBI 요원이 똑같은 강도에 세 번씩이나 털린 은행 점원을 심문했다."강도한테 뭔가 특별한 점이 있던가요? 예컨데 외모가 바뀌었던가 하는 것 말이죠." 요원이 묻자 점원이 대답하길, "당근이죠. 그는 매번 더 멋진 옷을 입고 나타났죠."
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