As a gift for my boy friend, I asked to draw my portrait and was pleased with what I was sure was perfect likeness.
When the canvas was finished, I took it to a framing shop, where the sale clerks looked it over admiringly.
"Now there' s a beautiful woman" one of them said.
Just as I was about to thank him, he asked me, "Anyone from around here?"
남자친구에게 선물로 주기 위해 나는 (화가에게) 내 초상화를 그려달라고 주문했고 나를 완벽히 재현한 그 작품이 맘에 쏙 들었다.
그림이 완성됐을 때 나는 초상화를 액자가게에 들고 갔고 점원들은 감탄하며 초상화를 훑어봤다.
"아름다운 여성이군요." 점원 중 한 명이 말했다.
내가 막 고맙다는 인사를 하려는 순간 점원이 물었다. "이 근처에 사는 여자인가요?"
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