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[사진] 요세미티 화재…"명물 세퀘이아 지켜라" 진화에 혼신

TOPSHOT - Firefighters put out hot spots from the Washburn Fire in Yosemite National Park, California, July 11, 2022. - Hundreds of firefighters scrambled Monday to prevent a wildfire engulfing an area of rare giant sequoia trees in California\'s Yosemite National Park. The Washburn fire, in the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoias, was first reported on July 7 and doubled in size over the weekend to 2,340 acres (946 hectares), according to a park report. Yosemite\'s fire management service said 545 firefighters were battling the blaze, including \"proactively protecting\" the grove -- the largest sequoia grove in Yosemite, with over 500 mature trees. (Photo by Nic Coury / AFP)

미국 캘리포니아 요세미티 국립공원에서 소방관들이 11일(현지 시간) 화재를 진압하고 있다. 7일 세쿼이아나무 군락지 인근에서 시작된 이번 산불은 현재까지 22%만 진화된 상태다. 소방 당국은 요세미티의 ‘명물’인 세쿼이아나무들을 보호하기 위해 소방대원 545명을 투입했다. AFP연합뉴스

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